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Valentines Day

Temple On My Knees
As Valentine’s Day comes to a close, Lifetime Learning shares a final poem, “Temple On My Knees,” by Lisa Russ Spaar, Professor and Director of Creative Writing and Director, Area Program in Poetry Writing in the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Virginia. Ms. Spaar is the author of […]
Half-Past February Sharp
Lifetime Learning shares more Valentine’s poetry with “Half-Past February Sharp” by Stephen Cushman, Robert C. Taylor Professor of English in the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Virginia. Mr. Cushman was a Cavaliers’ Distinguished Teaching Professor, 2014-2016 and a recipient of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia […]
Heart to Heart
For Valentine’s Day, Lifetime Learning shares “Heart to Heart,” a poem by Rita Dove. Ms. Dove is the 1993-95 U.S. Poet Laureate, 2004-06 Virginia Poet Laureate, 1987 Pulitzer Prize winner, and University of Virginia Commonwealth Professor in the Creative Writing Program in the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Please share your reflections […]
Season’s Greetings, on Postage Stamps
Holiday postage stamps not only deliver greeting cards, but carry a history in the separation of church and state debate, according to Richard Handler, professor in the Department of Anthropology in the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and director of the Global Development Studies Program at the University of Virginia. Mr. Handler […]
Categories: History
Jackie Kennedy: Welcome to the White House
  Written by: Barbara A. Perry, White Burkett Miller Professor of Ethics and Institutions; Director, Presidential Studies; Co-Chair, Presidential Oral History Program, Miller Center Valentine’s Day 1962 established First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy as a modern TV star when she hosted A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy, which was broadcast on […]
Categories: History
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