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Club Leader & Volunteer Resources

Whether you are helping to lead a club or looking to start a new one, the UVA Clubs team is ready to help you bring the University of Virginia to your local community. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our team. Wahoowa!

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Event Recap and Image Submission Share Your Stories
Event Planning Resources
Program Resources

UVA Clubs hosts hundreds of Signature Events around the world each year. Below you will find information and resources on some of our most popular activities. 

Admitted Student Celebrations

Hear from alumni and current students HOO have been in your shoes. Hoos will share their experiences, offer advice, and answer your questions live to help you learn more about the UVA community.

Admitted Student Celebration events should take place between Saturday, April 12 – Sunday, April 27, 2025.

 Please submit your request form no later than 4 weeks before your event.

2025 ASC Planning calendar

Planning Guide + Toolkit:

  Access the Planning Guide + Toolkit

NEW! Icebreaker Ideas:

  Access the Icebreaker Idea Page  

Event Submission Form + Landing Page: 

Submit Your Event  

Visit the Event Page  

Reimbursement Form: 

UVA Clubs with a UVA Fund account will receive funding through their UVA Fund account. The club will then be responsible for reimbursing hosts or volunteers as needed for expenses they may have incurred. 

Submit Event Receipts

Cavaliers Care Worldwide Service Weekend

UVA Clubs extend UVA’s tradition of service beyond Grounds through worldwide community service projects with a variety of local organizations. 

These events embody UVA's Great and Good ethos while promoting a culture of sustained community engagement throughout the UVA Clubs Global Network program.

Planning Guide:

Access the Planning Guide  

Event Request Form:

Submit Your Event  

Getting Started

  • Select your event date during the weekend of June 21-23, 2024.
  • Choose a community partner for service: Think about previous service events hosted or supported by the club. Who did you partner with? Are there local or nationwide organizations (e.g. Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House, American Cancer Society, Meals on Wheels etc.) in your region that you have partnered with for service through your job or personal interest: 

    Park/beach/road clean-up, serving food at a community kitchen, food/clothing/toy/classroom supplies drive collection, deliver food, volunteer at a homeless shelter, plant a community garden, yard work, nursing home assistance, blood drive, volunteer at a local race, help at an animal shelter, support youth organizations.
  • Plan ahead: Download the Eventbrite Organizers app. The app is free and available for all club leaders.You can access step-by-step instructions via the Eventbrite Organizer overview.
  • Get Spirited: Clubs will be sent a supply box with special Cavs Care Worldwide Service Weekend for attendees of your service program. Feel free to pass them out and take photos of the Hoos in these hats!
    • NOTE: Clubs that submit their Event Request Form past the preferred deadline will not be guaranteed hats.


  • Record Your Activity: Send the list of any walkups or check-in lists to your REO. (Eventbrite will send us everyone you checked in through the app),
  • Continue the Great & Good: Consider hosting a regular cadence of Cavs Care service events throughout the year to support your local community!
Hoos Here

Hoos Here is a Welcome to the City experience for new, returning, or longtime Hoos in your area to help build their local UVA network. Clubs are encouraged to host events in September, October, or early November.

Visit Planning Page

Jefferson Book Awards

The Jefferson Book Award was established to recognize outstanding high school juniors or students in the next-to-graduating class who embrace creativity and innovation and embody the spirit of discovery, much like the University’s founder, Thomas Jefferson. The student is a demonstrated citizen leader who works to improve their community locally or globally.

Learn More About Jefferson Book Awards

Make a UVA Connection

A casual way for Hoo Parents to meet and get to know other Hoo Parents in their city. Parents and guardians (aka “Hoo Parents”) come together to socialize and share experiences with other members of the University of Virginia community and learn about ways to get involved through UVA Clubs.

Visit Planning Page

Summer Socials

UVA Clubs are invited to host fun and casual summer socials as an opportunity for the entire UVA community in your area to connect. This series of events will expand on the traditional summer student send-offs and include all returning students, alumni, friends, families, and fans in your region. This is an exciting opportunity for all Hoos in your area to build their local UVA network and warmly welcome new Hoos.

Visit Planning Page

Establishing a UVA Club

UVA Clubs are governed by volunteer leaders and supported by Regional Engagement Officers (REOs). Each UVA Club is led by a board that meets quarterly at a minimum to define the vision, develop initiatives and establish programming for the club.

The success of a new UVA Club depends on a nucleus of dedicated individuals working in partnership with your region’s REO.

Is a UVA Club Right for Your Region?

Typically, UVA Clubs require a critical mass of at least 200 alumni and parents of the University within a 100-mile radius of a given center point. The majority of these constituents should either live or work within about a 30-minute drive from this center point.

Therefore, when launching a club, you will begin by asking the questions below

Does your area have the critical mass required to form a UVA Club?

With your REO, you will review a list of the constituency of alumni, parents and friends in the region based upon data from the University’s central database. If your region lacks the critical mass necessary to launch a UVA Club, you will talk with your REO about other opportunities for ‘Hoos in your area to stay connected, such as the creation of a local Cavaliers Admission Volunteer network.

Will yours be a city or regional club?

With your REO, you will establish the geographic area for the club, using resources from the Office of Engagement, including a map which illustrates the population density of your constituency. This mapping software is currently only available for domestic locations.

How will we invite alumni, friends, and families to be a part of the new UVA Club?

Working with your REO, you will develop and distribute an initial email for distribution to all UVA alumni and parents in your region. This mailing should include:

  • An announcement of the formation of a new club.
  • A call to action for individuals interested in leadership positions.
  • An invitation to an initial UVA Club meeting.
Looking to get involved? Here are four things you can do right now
  1. Update your physical and email addresses in so you can start or continue receiving communications with opportunities for you locally and here on Grounds.
  2. Visit the UVA Clubs main page to find out about the club nearest you and see what events are coming up. Contact your UVA Club president or a Regional Engagement Officer to see how you can help.
  3. Consider donating in support of your local UVA Club.
  4. Share your photos from local UVA Club events.
Organizing Your Club
Video Resources for Club Leaders
Club Leader Zoom Meeting - June 10, 2021
Watch Now
Opening Keynote Address, Kevin McDonald - 2020 Club Leaders Conference
Watch Now
Best Practices for Running an Effective Board in a Virtual Age - Club Leader Conference 2020
Watch Now

Prior Event Registration Lists (PERL)

What is a PERL?

A Prior Event Registration List (PERL) is a spreadsheet sent from a Regional Engagement Officer (REO) to a UVA Club Volunteer Leader. The PERL contains a list of names, email addresses, and physical addresses for all the alumni, parents, and friends living in that local area, called a geo-code, who have registered for a University of Virginia event or webinar in the past three years. The list includes those who currently have an active home or seasonal address in that geo-code. A PERL is not a complete list of all the constituents that live in any geo-code, and does not contain current students.

What is a geo-code?

A geo-code is a collection of zip codes that best represents a geographical area. For example: in order to be able to send email communications to the UVA Club of the Roanoke Valley, 81 zip codes representing a 30-mile radius around the city are consolidated into one list. Individuals with physical addresses that include one of the 81 zip codes will receive email communications from the Engagement & Annual Giving team and are included on the PERL if they have attended an event in the past three years.

How can a UVA Club Volunteer Leader obtain a PERL?

The first step is to fill out a Non-Disclosure Agreement. The Non-Disclosure Agreement stipulates that the contact information provided in the PERL will be kept in strict confidence and only be used for UVA Club specific communications. PERLS can change frequently, depending on the club events and any new residents in your area and therefore a new PERL can be requested often. Once you have filled out the Non-Disclosure Agreement, you can can contact your Regional Engagement Officer to request a PERL.

What should a UVA Club Volunteer Leader do with their PERL?

PERLS are provided to UVA Clubs for event marketing purposes supplemental to those provided by the University of Virginia. Many UVA Clubs design and send their own invitations and newsletters, both hard mail and by email, and these lists can be used at the discretion of each UVA Club’s volunteer leadership committee. The list can also be used for particular targeted outreach for the UVA Club for particular events. A PERL can only be used for UVA Club specific events and initiatives. Using a PERL to gain followers on a UVA Club specific Facebook page is encouraged.

If something doesn’t appear correctly about the PERL or is missing someone, what can be done?

A PERL is a current list based on the prior event registration records collected by University Advancement. There are a number of reasons why someone might not appear on the list, but the most common two are that the person hasn’t attended an event in the past three years or the University doesn’t have a correct mailing address. In order to be included on a future PERL, a constituent must register for an event or webinar. A constituent with a history of event participation that moves from one geo-code to another will automatically be listed on a PERL if University Advancement is provided with updated contact information. If something about your PERL does not appear correctly, please contact your Regional Engagement Officer.