Part of the UVA Clubs program, our club offers a variety of activities including social, sporting, educational and UVA admissions outreach events throughout the year. We have a lot of fun and would love for you to join us.
Ready to get involved? The best way to begin is to contact our Regional Engagement Officer, Robin Stafford, and describe your interests. Go Hoos!
Support Our
Local Club
We're All Hoos!
You can share in that spirit by giving to your UVA Club today, and supporting Hoos events, service opportunities, and scholarships for local students.
Club Leadership
Travis C. McDonald, Jr. (Arch '80)
Julia A. Taylor (Col '82)
Regional Engagement Officer
Assistant Director, UVA Clubs Global Network
Regional Engagement Officers are staff members of University Advancement’s Office of Engagement and provide support and assistance to UVA Clubs