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Summer Jefferson Symposium 2025 (in-person)

Hosted By Lifetime Learning
Jun 26, 2:30 PM UTC - 29, 2025, 3 PM UTC
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Register
Event Details

Thomas Jefferson and Preparation for the Declaration of Independence

In 2026, the United States will host a series of vibrant celebrations of the 250th anniversary of the drafting and adoption of the Declaration of Independence. The eve of the Declaration presents an excellent opportunity to reflect more fully on how the thirteen British colonies moved from opposing to supporting independence.

This program will examine how Thomas Jefferson was chosen to draft the Declaration, from whence he obtained his inspiration, what the document said, and how it was used at the time. Historians in this program will uncover how enslaved African Americans came to understand and use the document, and perhaps most importantly, how it has been understood over the intervening centuries and how it has been used to promote democracy here and abroad. UVA’s 2025 Summer Jefferson Symposium will assemble knowledge experts to discuss these vital topics with alumni, parents, and friends.

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