The UVA Club of Tidewater is a volunteer led group dedicated to engaging alumni, parents and friends of the University. The club is very active and puts on several events throughout the year with a focus on:
- Networking
- Philanthropy
- Culture
- UVA admissions and engagement with current and prospective students.
The work of the UVA Club is made possible by volunteers who participate in our active and fun committees which include: Social, Cavaliers Care, and Schools. Please click on the committee you are interested in joining to communicate directly with the committee chair.
For questions about volunteer opportunities, please contact UVA Club President Amy Weisberg (ENG 04) at
Mailing Address
PO Box 711
Norfolk, VA 23501-0711
Support Our
Local Club
We're All Hoos!
You can share in that spirit by giving to your UVA Club today, and supporting Hoos events, service opportunities, and scholarships for local students.
President/Executive Board Leader
Board Members
President Emeritus