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mental health

Students Are Making Their Mental Health a Priority and That's a Good Thing
“Over the past several years, college students seem to be emerging from the shadows of past generations’ stigma regarding mental illness,” reports Nicole Ruzek of UVA’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Ruzek is the director of CAPS in the Department of Student Health and Wellness at the University of Virginia. She recently hosted “Meditation on […]
Mental Health Awareness Month: Teen Suicide
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Brooke Lehmann‘s article on teen suicide addresses this sobering crisis. Ms. Lehmann, a clinical social worker and public interest attorney with expertise in the areas of children’s health, education, and child welfare, is a lecturer in the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University […]
What is Clinical Science?
Written by: Scott Lilienfeld, Ph.D., Emory University, and Bethany A. Teachman, Ph.D., Professor, University of Virginia Department of Psychology Clinical science is grounded in the belief that a scientific approach should guide the many roles of a clinical psychologist, including providing psychotherapy, conducting assessments, and conducting research, teaching, mentoring, consulting, or program evaluation. One need […]
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