They say that in the entertainment business, it’s all about who you know. Whether you’re an established professional or a recent newcomer, we know it’s a challenge to create meaningful relationships in the industry.
We know the importance of creating and maintaining a broad social network. UVA Entertainment Club of Los Angeles networks all alumni throughout every aspect of the entertainment business at any stage of their career.
We look forward to getting to know all of you!
Our Mission
UVA Entertainment Club of Los Angeles (UVAELA) cultivates a strong community of professionals seeking to support, collaborate, socialize, and network with other UVA alumni, parents and friends in the entertainment business.
Who We Are
UVAELA is a closely networked group that seeks to establish meaningful relationships and mutual support among UVA alumni and parents working in the entertainment industry.
UVAELA serves the growing presence of UVA alumni in entertainment-related fields through:
- Various social activities
- Networking opportunities
- Guest speakers
- Film screenings
- Niche-specific professional groups
The club is made up of entertainment types of all kinds, including but not limited to working and aspiring writers, directors, producers, actors, agents, and entertainment lawyers.
What We Do
UVA Entertainment Club of Los Angeles provides resources to its members through Education and Social Networking. Education within one’s professional craft and business is paramount to the success in the fields of entertainment.
In addition, we provide guidance and advice about the city of Los Angeles to all those newcomers, including recent graduates!
Support is provided through:
- Career workshops
- An internship program
- Guest speakers/panel discussions.
UVAELA provides social networking through:
- Bar nights
- Industry parties/events
- Special screenings
- Online networking
We collaborate with the UVA Club of Los Angeles on programming and outreach.
Want to join a writers' group with your fellow 'Hoos? Look no further. The UVA Entertainment L.A. Writers' Groups are nurturing and supportive networks of UVA writers seeking to improve their storytelling skills (for film, television, and fiction writers) and to help others along the way.
Groups are formed based on the number of respondents, writing level, and area of interest. There are a mix of abilities within each group, but with a greater ratio of experienced writers to newbies — one to two (maximum) beginner writers in a group. Meeting schedules are determined by the group as well as locations, and are held at cafes, members' homes or virtually on a rotating basis. This is not a "hot-seat" critique format, but a relaxed, problem-solving workshop. Since the group size is limited to six people, those interested in joining a group will need to fill out a short survey and submit a writing sample in order to be considered for placement, subject to space availability.
If you are interested or have any questions about the writing groups, please e-mail: Valerie Brotski (CLAS '97) at VBrotski[at] with the subject "UVAELA Writers' Group”.
Support Our
Local Club
We're All Hoos!
You can share in that spirit by giving to your UVA Club today, and supporting Hoos events, service opportunities, and scholarships for local students.
Board Members