The UVA Club of China-Beijing is a volunteer led group dedicated to engaging alumni, parents and friends of the University. The club is very active and puts on several events throughout the year with a focus on:
- Networking
- Philanthropy
- Culture
- UVA admissions and engagement with current and prospective students.
The QQ group will be very helpful for parents of students to ask questions and have the opportunity to learn more about UVA.
QQ group name: UVAparents
QQ number: 175879700
WeChat QR Code
We have a lot of fun and would love for you to join the festivities. Wahoowa!
Support Our
Local Club
We're All Hoos!
You can share in that spirit by giving to your UVA Club today, and supporting Hoos events, service opportunities, and scholarships for local students.
Club Leadership
Zhiyuan Peng (Darden '03)
Qunhong Zhang (Darden '08)
Vice President Admissions & Mentoring
Sipian Wang (McIntire '11)
Vide President Marketing & Outreach
Siting Guo (Col '14)
Vice President Social Events
Yunpeng Shangguan (Col '07)
Leadership Team
James C. Hu (Darden '04)
Tianwei Jing (Col '11)
Xuan Li (Law '09)
Jing Luan (Clas '09)
Daniel N. Singer (McIntire '10)
Haiming Yan (Col '07)
Jiakun Yuan (McIntire '11)
Regional Engagement Officer
Assistant Director, UVA Clubs Global Network
Regional Engagement Officers are staff members of University Advancement’s Office of Engagement and provide support and assistance to UVA Clubs